Swimming Pool Care Basics Every Pool Owner Should Follow

A swimming pool is a lot more than simply a relaxing place to cool off; it is in fact a very carefully maintained balance of many factors.  People are often under the misconception that once a pool is filled then it looks after itself, but, as wonderful as this would be, it simply is not the case.  In fact, a swimming pool that has not been properly maintained can actually prove quite hazardous to the health of anyone using it due to the risk of infection.  So, if you are just getting to grips with the responsibilities of looking after a swimming pool, here are the three most basic aspects you should be aware of to maintain your pool.

Understanding your pump and filtration system

Together, these two systems make up an essential part of your pool.  The pump is used to move water from the pool, through the filtration system, and then back into the pool; if your pump is not running then the water is not being effectively filtered.  Whilst it is not essential to have the pump running all the time, there are certainly minimum thresholds that you should be hitting and you should consult your owner’s guide for these numbers.

Cleaning the filter

It is important to make sure that the filter keeps functioning at optimum capacity, so you will need to periodically clean and replace it to achieve this.  There are several different kinds of filters on the market and they each require you to care for them in a different way, so you will once again need to refer to your owner’s guide to see what type you have and its recommended cleaning instructions.  If you have any questions or concerns over your filter then you should consult a professional swimming pool maintenance company.  It is also good practice to ease the burden placed on the filter by using a skimmer to remove any larger debris, such as leaves, from your pool at least once a day when the pump is in use.

Testing the water

This is not a metaphor, you really do need to be testing a sample of your pool’s water on a regular basis.  This is due to the balance of the pH and calcium levels in the water being vital to maintaining a healthy pool.  Testing kits are readily available from pool supply stores and are very easy to use, which is just as well seeing as when the pool is in frequent use tests should be conducted at least two or three times a week and once a week during quieter periods.  Also available are the chemicals that you need to add to the pool to rebalance it if the tests reveal the levels are not quite right.  Maintaining this balance is essential to preventing corrosion, algae buildup, bacteria growth, and skin irritation as well as the longevity of your pump and filter.

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